Thursday, February 2, 2012

Yummy Pencil

Why do children bite their pencils?

      Every child's age characterized by certain bad habits. Weaning babies and pacifiers, sucking fingers or bite your nails, children of primary school age gnaw, pens, pencils, rulers, pencil case and even textbooks. The fact is their parents are aware well.

     On hands and on any school subject is a wide variety of bacteria, microbes, or intestinal parasites. In addition, lead pencil or ink pen out of the bar, getting into the child's body are fraught with undesirable consequences. To wean the child from this habit, try to understand why he chews pencils.

      To establish the cause of the habit, we must first analyze and remember when she appeared. Where he chews pencils? Only at school or at home, too. Most biting pencils, and other subjects of the school items, children begin when coming to school. 

       For most children school - it's stress, change of environment and load. The child is nervous, worries, and his pencil helps  him take off stress.Especially difficult is transferred to the children who never attended kindergarten and preparing for school at home. In addition to the school load, they are adapting to a new team.

       They need to publicly answer questions the teacher, go to the board. Children are afraid to say or do something wrong, especially if it causes derision among my classmates and teacher observation. Therefore, they are always nervous when they have to answer or write tests, and unknowing themselves  they start to chew pencils. 

       If a child eats pencils in school and at home, try to estimate its load. Maybe it would be hard or it does not cope with their homework. Or perhaps he have not learned some stuff and it's hard to do his homework. So he sits and thinks, as he does, chewing a pencil, and the head of any sensible thoughts. Help them with homework, explain the loss of a theme, it will feel much more confident and forget about the pencil.

      It is not necessary to yell at a child if he chews pens and pencils. You will only aggravate the situation and help him get rid of this bad habit. Try to create a peaceful atmosphere at home that the child can relax and feel with your hand support and understanding. Many parents come up with different ways to wean the child chew on school supplies.

     For example, you can buy him a pen with a beautiful original heads, and instead of using a wooden pencil with metal hiding pencil.

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