Thursday, February 16, 2012


Fashion and beauty are important in a life of every person. Everyone wants to look pretty even though if they say that they don’t care about their looking. How enjoyable is when somebody tells you compliment about your good looking. 

In Kazakhstan where I started school, from grade 5 girls need to wear high heels and look pretty.  I remember when I got into grade 5 I bought shoes with high heels and they were so uncomfortable. Every day after school I complained to my mom that my legs were hurting me and I had lots of calluses because of them.

For me was so interesting when I came first to Carson Graham Secondary School because there students wear comfortable clothes, some of them come to school in their pajamas even. They have backpack what is really help not getting back problems.  In Kazakhstan from grade 3 I used to had handbags till moving to Canada.  They were small and uncomfortable. I didn’t like them especially in wintertime because outside was so cold that even having gloves my fingers were frozen, I couldn’t feel them.  When you have backpack your hands you can put into your pockets, but if it’s handbag you need to hold it.

In Kazakhstan the girls were separated by social classes or by their beauties value.. If you are beautiful and rich you will famous at school and everyone wants to be friend with you. If you are not rich but beautiful and wear clothing from new collections, don’t worry you will have friends. I didn’t like the way how people judge each other there. When I got grade 10 my friends went to colleges, because if you have bad grades in your school, in grade 9 teachers force you to leave school and get into college.  It means that only smart people can be at high school there.  Most of my friends didn’t have good grades, that’s why they left school after grade nine.  I became alone. After a while other students begun to talk to me and I realized that what my friends were saying bad thing behind them was a pure false. These people are much better. They support, help, and show you right direction to reach your goal. 

I do not do make up, I do not wear uncomfortable clothes and shoes now, I love how I look now, even if I don’t look like a model from magazine.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


 We have so many ways to communicate with people who surround us. These ways are talking, gesturing, and making expression. Exist two kinds of expression there are facial expression and verbal expression. Through facial expression we can say a lot about the person because we can observe his feelings and gestures while he talks. Through verbal expression the person who speaks can say everything       such as true or lie.                                                                                              

In school most of children used to know each other from the kindergarden. When one of them moves or leaves to another place for living,  classmates or friends become sad, sometimes they even cry. The child feels sadness, dolour, rues and afflictions. In his face we can see all of this feelings.
When the student gets A in his test, and  his facial expression and gestures show his happiness and self-confident in the capabilities. He is proud of himself, the  feelings of him want to say to everybody about his success. But people can treat him wrong thinking of that he just wants to say us about his smart brain.
The moment when children play with each other, the random child who wishes to play with them too goes and asks them can he join, if he gets affirmative answer his expression becomes amazing, but if he gets negative he can cry, and be disappointed in himself decreasing his self-appraisal.  Same story could happen when the student always gets low grades at school, he can reduce his self-appraisal thinking of that he is stupid.                                                                                                         

Expression shows our uncontrollable action through which we can understand the person's characteristic well.  Observe people with who you usually hang out, and you can find out lots of interesting facts about them from their expressions.


Yummy Pencil

Why do children bite their pencils?

      Every child's age characterized by certain bad habits. Weaning babies and pacifiers, sucking fingers or bite your nails, children of primary school age gnaw, pens, pencils, rulers, pencil case and even textbooks. The fact is their parents are aware well.

     On hands and on any school subject is a wide variety of bacteria, microbes, or intestinal parasites. In addition, lead pencil or ink pen out of the bar, getting into the child's body are fraught with undesirable consequences. To wean the child from this habit, try to understand why he chews pencils.

      To establish the cause of the habit, we must first analyze and remember when she appeared. Where he chews pencils? Only at school or at home, too. Most biting pencils, and other subjects of the school items, children begin when coming to school. 

       For most children school - it's stress, change of environment and load. The child is nervous, worries, and his pencil helps  him take off stress.Especially difficult is transferred to the children who never attended kindergarten and preparing for school at home. In addition to the school load, they are adapting to a new team.

       They need to publicly answer questions the teacher, go to the board. Children are afraid to say or do something wrong, especially if it causes derision among my classmates and teacher observation. Therefore, they are always nervous when they have to answer or write tests, and unknowing themselves  they start to chew pencils. 

       If a child eats pencils in school and at home, try to estimate its load. Maybe it would be hard or it does not cope with their homework. Or perhaps he have not learned some stuff and it's hard to do his homework. So he sits and thinks, as he does, chewing a pencil, and the head of any sensible thoughts. Help them with homework, explain the loss of a theme, it will feel much more confident and forget about the pencil.

      It is not necessary to yell at a child if he chews pens and pencils. You will only aggravate the situation and help him get rid of this bad habit. Try to create a peaceful atmosphere at home that the child can relax and feel with your hand support and understanding. Many parents come up with different ways to wean the child chew on school supplies.

     For example, you can buy him a pen with a beautiful original heads, and instead of using a wooden pencil with metal hiding pencil.

Listen to music or study? May be do them both...

        For some people the silence is unbearable. They are accustomed to do their own thing at the TV or radio, creating a certain background. And for them it does not matter what program or music on the air as long as it wasn't so quiet.

        Even reading in the oppressive silence gives them some concern, not allowing to concentrate. At this point, turn the music that creates a quiet background and you can safely read literature. What is the use of simultaneous listening and reading? Should we read and listen to music at the same time?

       Those people who love to read books and listen to music, this action is wrong. The problem is that these two concurrent sessions will not be able to bring absolutely benefit, there will be no results, and the music will not be listened to in normal conditions, and will not be digested read. 

      We've all heard about Guy Julius Caesar, who earned his reputation for ability to simultaneously engage in several cases. Speaking about his contemporaries, it is safe to say that Julius Caesar was left far behind. Today's young people can simultaneously watch videos, simultaneously engaging in reading, telephone calls or eating food.

       Why we should not combine those two things, like music and book? The simplest explanation is that the inevitability of a headache due to the fact that the brain will be forced to work on two processes, capturing the music and learning the literature. It is not recommended to do it, because will constantly be distracted from one process to another. Many mistaken in thinking that the primary role given to reading, and music is needed to create the background.        In fact, both of these processes on an equal footing. If you are distracted by a familiar melody or listens to the unfamiliar words, thus being distracted from the reading, the assimilation of the text read at a loss.

        Simultaneous reading and listening to music is very harmful, because there iscongestion of the brain stimulated simultaneously participate in two differentprocesses.

        To obtain the benefits and pleasures, and to avoid the headaches are advised to separate these classes. Scientists have proved that when there is noconsideration, the result is slower reading, understanding and remembering thereduced text. When your attention is diverted by extraneous sounds and musiclostmotivation to read, reading comprehension more difficult, since it has to read or atext or passage over and over again.

        So, if you want to achieve faster rates of reading is very important to train the mindand create conditions that reduce or eliminate objects that distract attention,including music.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Morning exercise improves self-esteem and confidence

Regardless of its outcome, regular aerobics or exercises tell us by themselves that we look beautiful.Specialists discovered people who play sports, but even they do not lose the extra inches and pounds, they still feel better and have improved the cardiovascular system. Doctors have suggested that the psychological benefits of physical activity have greater health benefits than the actual physical achievements themselves.The experts concluded that, as in sports, self-esteem of people at once rises and they begin to perceive the figure is less critical, no matter how many pounds they lost weight and began to look as if the athletes.

It was found that only began to physical activity, we just think we look better, and our figure becomes more slender. In the analysis of self-esteem and perception of the figure have been no difference among those who engaged in physical activity occasionally or regularly - this means that even non-daily activities can improve self-esteem.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


          How can we improve our grades in school and what others think about this?

          The first time when you go to school and all who surround you, such as family, teachers, and even you expect yourself to get better grades in school. By working hard, reading all the notes received in the classroom and even the ones that you write by yourself and are looking for in a variety of sources, to help yourself with a successful education. But we do not always have the time and mood to learn. Someday we're doing wrong things, such as not preparing for school exams, not doing homework, writing cribs, which we use in the classroom.

          Teachers want to trust their students and leave the children alone when they write the tests. But if the child does not have learned at home and sees that no one around him, he does a wrong act, using the crib. For example, he spies in the textbook or notes, asks his classmates. If someone asks you, and you have helped him on the test, then it is a scam too. The best way to avoid these situations, write a cheat sheet, and remember your writing, but do not use it. If you have forgotten that and used your spurs, the best way is to tell your teachers and ask them to rewrite the exam again, if it's possible. Usually teachers say: "When you write a cheat sheet, it helps quickly memorize your written." Because in the cribs are usually looking for the most important thing and write it down, and when you read it, you remember it faster.

          Every person in his life was at the situation when was not ready for school and failed the test. Teachers always believe in the ability of their students. The failure of the test for them is disenchantment and questioned the student. The disciples never think that they make upset their teachers indifference to learning. According to students, teachers are just people who come to teach and earn for a living. But in fact, teachers are our second parents. When a child borns, he does not know anything and does not even know how to speak. His parents teach him new words, new subjects and they introduce him to people and explain everything around their child. The same work is done by our dear teachers too. They are like our parents try to help us to understand the world and ourselves.

          We all make mistakes in our life, and most importantly forgiveness for our wrong actions is to correct this and to realize our guilt, and the next time to do everything much better in a positive way. People learn from  their mistakes. They take the knowledge from their experiences.Writing the cribs, the failure of tests, not being serious about school, people  can lead to big problems, if they do not understand their mistake and  do not try to fix it next time.

          This video clip shows one of the best way to pass your exam. It really helps when you do it properly how it says. By doing his way to pass exams you will be getting greatest grades in your education. 

Monday, January 16, 2012


The School Years are some of the most beautiful times of our lives. Every child wants to go school and start grade 1; to make new friends and to have fun. At the same time there is something that makes them intimidated and afraid of school and the unknown. It is also sacrificing their free time.

Our spare time plays a big role in our lives. During that time we can have fun with our friends. For example, go ice skating, snowboarding, work out in the gym, go to the cinema to watch a movie, go shopping, and play various games. Early in the morning when we wake up to go to school, we sacrifice our sweet sleep. In the evenings, our parents expect us to go to bed so that we can get enough sleep for the morning and the next day. Every morning we are expected to eat breakfast while most children don't have an appetite and would rather sleep.

From 7 am - 3 pm we are in school and then at home doing homework. It takes up almost the whole of our day. We do not have free time for our private affairs, except for holidays. However it is beneficial that we give our time up for education. After graduation we become educated people and our parents will be proud of us. We can find well-paid jobs and buy all the things we once dreamed of ...

September 1999, Almaty. Me on my first day of school. The photographer took an interesting image of me. I had the feeling that I'm not going to school, but to prison. This is because I knew that I would sacrifice my free time which I will not see for the next 20 years.